Friday, October 17, 2008

Super Hero Status

So I've only had a blog for a few days, and now I have been elevated to Super-Hero status.  Yes that's right, due to the power of the Internet my cover as semi-mild sometimes aggravated mannered enterprise architect has been blown.  I don't know how they did this, but someone got video of me doing superhero stuff and posted it on the Internet with a very cool soundtrack.

I don't know how long the video will be up, but now that I have been outed I figured I should share the footage with all of you:  

1 comment:

Gofishintoday said...

Most of us already knew about your stuper....I mean super hero status. That's why I'm coming to town for the intervention. Tell the misses to boil some water and make some tea. I need something to mix with the whiskey and honey.