Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My First Crack at the Blogging Thingy

Welcome to another blog site.  It seems that these days everyone has their own blog, and I’m not exactly sure why.  Are all these people so important they need to have their opinions posted to the world?  If you read enough of these you’ll quickly see importance is not the answer.  I think maybe it’s just a glorified public journal.  Give everyone a chance to feel their 15 minutes (in Internet time it’s more like 15 seconds).  Or maybe there are just a ton of failed or wannabe authors out there happy for a writing outlet.  This is about as deep as this blog ever needs to get.  I wonder this makes me a failure, a wannabe, or a glory hound?


So why am I blogging?  Easy answer, because my wife said I should.  She believes I throw just enough wit and common sense around our house that it might occasionally make for some interesting reading.  Plus we have friends and family all across the US (and a few outside of the States) and maybe it might be nice for them to check in on what Brian and “his brood” are up to.  So here I am, as a general rule if the wife says it’s a good idea, I try and comply.


A [very] little bit about me:

I was born a poor black child in Mississippi…no wait that was The Jerk, let me try this again…

I was born and raised in Baton Rouge, LA.  Greatest place on Earth.  I love the food, the people, the activities (read:  parties), and the atmosphere of Southern Louisiana.  Growing up there was the second most influential factor on the man I grew up to become.  The most influence are my parents.  Great people from that great state.  I’m lucky to have two individuals I could look up to as a kid and still look up as an adult.  They still live in Baton Rouge along with almost all of my relatives and close friends.  I’m one of the only people in my family without the sense to stay put.  I went to LSU (I’m sure you’ll see a lot of “Geaux Tiger’s” info in the blog).  Some of the best six years of my life.  Too bad I only remember about three of them.  After that I joined the Army to see the world and play outside.  The Army sent me to Maryland and locked me in the basement of a building with no windows.  I got out of the Army after my four year tour and stayed in Maryland for another couple of years.  My government job there was fun, but I was too far North for my liking.  In search of warm weather and better food I moved to Houston, TX, where I currently reside.  Here in Houston I work as a consultant doing Enterprise Architecture work.  What the heck is that, you ask?  I’ll get to it one day.  Right before I left for the Army I met my future wife at JazzFest in New Orleans.  I wooed her during my Army training (what are more romantic than daily love letters about pushups, squat-thrusts, deep knee bends, and the exploits of sweaty men?) and she made an honest man out of me in 2001.  We have a wonderful life together and three fantastic kiddos.  I’m sure they will turn up in later posts along with stories, adventures, and pictures.  My middle child (three at the time) took the picture that adorns the cover of this blog.  He isn’t exactly Ansel Adams yet.


So what kind of blog is this going to be?  I’m not sure yet. Ever since I was young I was told I could spin a yarn.  This is probably true.  But I’m pretty sure it’s true because I exaggerate, embellish, and sometimes outright lie in order to make stories entertaining.  It also helps that I tell my best stories to people who have been drinking heavily.  I’m not sure how that will translate in print, but we will take a stab at it anyway.  You might want to settle into the blog after a high-ball or two.


Here’s what I’ll focus on, stuff on TV, stuff in the news, stuff we do with the kiddies, stuff in sports, stuff that I did once, stuff I might want to do, and stuff I didn’t think of yet while typing this sentence.  Got it?  That’s the best I can do for now, cut me some slack I’m a novice blogger.  No matter what we (and by “we” I mean “me” because none of you reading this have been any help at all so far) focus on in the blog you can bet I will include a healthy bit of sarcasm (I am embodiment of the lowest form of *insert noun here*) and an occasional nugget of insight, probably provided by my wife




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