Thursday, January 26, 2012

Welcome Back Cott-Kling-er

I'm going to take a shot at reviving the blog. Back by semi-popular demand. At least a of you said you'd like to spend five minutes listening to my disembodied voice in your head while you were putting off more important things. What is the Interweb for if not procrastination? And who better to procrastinate with than Brian the lying-story-teller? No one, that's why you're here.

I did a little research on the blog topic during my hiatus. In the off season (off years?) I spoke to a number of professional bloggers. Turns out I had this whole thing wrong. I thought the key to blogging was to be interesting, wrong. I thought the posts had to be articulate, wrong again. And I thought the posts had to be long...strike three. Turns out the key to blogging is consistency. I'm not good at that. I do the other three better.

Seasoned bloggers have given sage Interweb advice. So I will follow sage Interweb advice. Keep your eyes out for a couple or three posts a week. I won't vouch for the length, content, or quality of the posts, but I'm told that doesn't matter anyway. If you do happen to read one of these posts, feel free to offer comments in the aptly labeled comments section. Professionals have told me that's important. If I had been paying attention I would have asked "Why?", but I wasn't paying attention so I didn't. Sorry. Maybe if you know the answer you can post it in the comments section.

Last week I told The Misses I was thinking about breathing life back into this thing. "Why now?", she said. I was hoping for "GOODIE", "HURRAY", or "That makes me HOT". Nope, I got "Why now?". And I wasn't sure how to answer. At the time I hadn't reflected on it so, I wasn't sure why now either. Just seemed right, but why? I think there are a combination of reasons.

For one thing the kids are getting a little older. That means they don't require 100% of our time anymore and there is a glimmer of free time that will need to be filled. Also, now that they do things besides roll around, burp and poop on me, they are into cooler stuff, and that might be fodder for one of those stories I'm now required to post.

Another reason has started to reveal itself lately. Apparently interesting things happen to me. I wasn't so sure this was true. Recently a close friend of mine started dating a new gal. This gal is hanging around drinking all my beer and getting to know her new beau's pals (that's me). So we find ourselves swilling booze and reliving old stories. Some of those are funny. Wheels turning (slowly) in my head said this might be fodder for some of those stories I'm now required to post.

So I'm back. And now you know why. Welcome back to those of you who have returned, and plain old welcome to those of you who have showed up for the first time. I hope we can all have a little fun, and kill a little time. If you're employer doesn't block the site, feel free check steal work hours and read this. There shouldn't be any "Not Safe for Work" posts as long as the boss isn't reading over your shoulder.

You can see I've already blew the rules on the first day back. This is interesting, articulate, and long. I'll try and stop that in the future.

1 comment:

Craig & Burke said...


Don't worry. I promise not to do that again.