My limited research on blogs tells me that every single one of them is required to comment routinely on the political landscape. I believe there is a memo somewhere that is sent to blog owners informing them of the rule. I’m not sure what happens to those who disobey but I think it has something to do with an uncomfortable chair, a damp noodle, Chinese finger-cuffs, and a midget. In my case The Misses has gotten involved. She thinks I need to make my feelings on the election known to the world in order to do my part in adverting a tragic mistake on the part of the voting public. Well, if the news is to be believed the election has already been decided and this blog can only be used as an, “I told you so” in four years time.
So what do I think about these two candidates? They are both bad. We have a “Republican” who will spend more money than Imelda Marcos at Payless, and a “Democrat” who thinks Lennin was a fiscal conservative. Our choices are leftist or super-leftist.
Obama scares me, and here are a few reasons why:
Healthcare. He wants to nationalize it. There are some interim steps in there but the end result is nationalization. I think healthcare in this country is a mess, and I don’t have a good idea of how to fix it. But I cannot think of one thing the government runs well. If you can think of an example please forward it to me. Government agencies are usually the butt of jokes, and the bigger they are the more useless they become. When was the last time you thought the DMV was helpful? When was the last time you looked forward to dealing with the Social Security office? When was the last time you said to yourself, “Everything will be OK now, FEMA is here”? Bigger government and more regulations are not the answer. Specifically I don’t understand why any small business would offer healthcare under Obama’s plan. Why should a small business owner incur the cost when employees can get their own coverage in the government plan? When pressed about this in one of the debates Obama said small business owners would be give tax credits to help them “do the right thing”. Do the right thing? We should also hold hands and sing peace songs while we’re at it.
Taxes. Obama has engaged in class warfare plain and simple. Now I’m an opponent of the whole Income Tax idea in the first place. It will be the subject of a blog one day I’m sure. The idea of taxing the penalizing the rich to help the poor just doesn’t work. Redistribution of wealth is a bad idea. I say again, redistribution of wealth is a bad, bad idea. It stifles growth, kills incentive, and demoralizes individuals. There is a word for this taxation system, socialism, and it doesn’t work. Originally the income tax was passed because Congress promised it would only be used to tax the rich. Now just about everyone pays income tax. Governments are greedy, it constantly takes more and more the feed the beast of bureaucracy. The $250 thousand number hasn’t even lasted 12 months. Already it’s slipping down to $200 (as stated in Obama’s primetime infomercial) or $150 as stated by Biden. Just like the income tax it will continue to drop until everyone is affected.
Education. I actually like most of Obama’s ideas here. I don’t know how he will pay for it, but I like the ideas. The only thing I disagree with him on is the vouchers. Vouchers work, and I support them. But you can’t agree on everything, so overall I think this is the one area where Obama has a pretty good plan.
Personal associations. Obama is a mess. You know the names Rezko, Ayers, Jones Jr., Khalidi, and Rev. Wright. One or two you could overlook as a bad idea, but put them together and it starts to make you wonder. If this guy knew he was gonna run for president one day he should have distanced himself from them a long time ago. I’m not running for any public office but I can tell you beyond the shadow of a doubt none of the people in my extended circle of friends are unrepentant terrorists, white supremacists, or embezzlers. I can’t remember a politician who had this many questionable friends since Gary Heart took a ride on the “Love Boat”.
Voting record. Present? Present? Seriously? There’s a term for that it’s called chickensh*t. If you have problems with legislation vote it down.
After re-reading this blog I realized I could have probably save myself some time and cut and pasted it from Limbaugh or Hannity or one of those guys. Those fellas are entertainers, not real people. Here’s my opinion in a nutshell (and it took 940 words to get there) I’m worried Obama’s policies will send us into a deep recession. Obama’s policies mirror those of President Hoover and that didn’t work out too well for the country.