Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 (+5) Random Things About This Blogger

So there is this thing going around Facebook called 25 Random Things.  The jest of the thing is to post 25 random things about yourself.  This way you get to show everyone who you know how important you are.  Well I’m pretty important.  So important I have my own blog.  So I’m gonna spend this week’s blog posting my own 25 random things.  But to be different, and because I’m so important 25 just won’t do, I’m going to post 30 random things about me.  Although I frequently lie in this blog, I’m going to take a break from that habit this week only.  Everything listed here is actually true. Enjoy the read.

 1. When The Misses tells me to do something (like bloging) I usually do it. About 99% of the time I find I’m better off for it.

2. I can’t stand income taxes. I’m an avid supporter of a flat tax, fair tax, consumption tax, or anything that is not an income tax.

3. I have a job that very few people understand. Doesn’t everyone see the inherent value of a properly drawn box-and-arrow diagram? Because of the first sentence only a handful of people get the second sentence.

4. I have friends that go back to high school and even kindergarten. I’m not sure what this says about me. I must not be able to let go of the past or something. Maybe if I could just get a few of them to remove those restraining orders…

5. I was in the Army for four years. I joined to see the world and play outside. The Army caught wind of my desires and locked me in the basement of a building with no windows in Maryland. So much for my plans.

6. I don’t believe in ghosts.

7. When I was in college I drove my dream car, a Jeep Wrangler. When The Misses got pregnant with our first child I sold it. One day I will have another Jeep.

8. I’ve had a job continuously since I was 15 years old.

9. My eye color confuses people. My eyes are hazel, but that’s not a real eye color. My eyes are really brown or green depending on what I’m wearing and, strangely enough, the weather. Sunny days tend to make my eyes green and rainy days tend to make my eyes brown. I haven’t figured how clothing figures into the equation because I can only see my eyes in a mirror and the mirrors are mostly inside the house. That makes testing my eye color is tough to do outside without a partner. I wonder if I should file for a grant? The government seems to be giving away money willy-nilly these days.

10. When I went to LSU I lived in the apartments behind the Tiger Bar (Tiger Plaza). No, I mean the apartment DIRECTLY BEHIND THE TIGER BAR. When you stood in the parking lot of the Tiger Bar and looked at Tiger Plaza, you were looking at my apartment. You can imagine the implications of this location. We didn’t even bother to lock our door at night.

11. I’ve stood in six weddings and been the Best Man in four. People I know don’t seem to understand the meaning of the word “best” and confuse it with “you’ll do”.

12. I’ve never considered myself to be smart, but I know I’m good at Jeopardy.

13. I’m surprised how different it is to be the father of a daughter compared to being the father of a son (or sons [plural]). After having two boys I pretty much thought I had father-ing figured out. But then The Princess was born I realized she and I are playing a completely different game.

14. I’m streak lucky. I’ll go months where nothing ever goes wrong for me, and months where I can’t catch a break.

16. I think that people who type out 25 Random Things and reference one of their previous answers do not fully understand the concept of “random”.

17. In elementary school I used to pull my pants up to my bellybutton. I have no idea why I thought this was a good idea. Couple this with my braces and Alfred E. Newman classes and you can believe I was really popular with the ladies!

18. I hated living on the East Coast, and couldn’t wait to get back to the South in general, and Baton Rouge in specific. Now it doesn’t look like I’ll get to BR, but I really like living in Houston, so that’s OK.

19. My father is my hero, I try to be like him now that I am grown up.

20. I plotted and help execute the systematic destruction of at least two foreign countries.

21. I do believe in God, but I’m not sure it matters much by itself. It’s kind of like whether or not you believe in polar bears. I think it’s how you live your life that counts.

22. I have a goatee because it makes me look older. As a consultant clients expect a wise old sage to walk in the door. I don’t look like a wise old sage. For some odd reason the goatee makes me look older and provides me with more respect at work. Now if I can just find the facial hair combination that forces people to throw money at me. I guess you could say I’m a follicle alchemist. Does that make me a folliclemist? 

23. I’m a natural storyteller. I don’t let things like truth get in the way. If it helps make the story better I have no problem inventing details. This quality is wonderful at cocktail parties, but has its drawbacks at depositions.

24. When I see people with a flat tire on the side of the road I almost always stop and help them change the tire. I have changed about 50 tires. I do this with the hope that if The Misses ever needs help on the side of the road some nice, non-psycho person stops to help her.

25. When The Misses was pregnant with Number One Son we bought a glider. While shopping for the glider at the Babies-R-Us store we met an elderly lady that was also shopping for a glider. She needed it for her invalid husband who was given only a few weeks to live.  After making our selections we all went to the checkout counter together and the clerk said it would take no less than four weeks to deliver the elderly lady’s glider. No way could we let that happen, so The Misses and I loaded her glider into my car. We drove it to her house and set it up that day. We found out later the man got to use his glider but died two weeks later. I think this incident may have bought me a two week pass from purgatory.

26. I have punched and been punched in the face, and I’m not afraid to do either one of those things again; although I prefer the punching.

27. I’m lucky to have In-Laws that I get along with very well.  They are dear people whom I respect greatly. 

28. I’m surprisingly good at karaoke.

29. The Misses is an amazing person, and I’m lucky to be a part of her life.

30. I enjoy blogging and I’m amazed every time I hear that someone has read what I put up.  Thank you for taking the time to peruse my rants.  I’ll do my best to keep up my self-imposed at least once a week post.