Friday, January 9, 2009

Attack of the Minjas

A few nights ago the Misses and I were sitting around the house enjoying our children.  It was a nice evening.  All three kids were getting along and playing nice so we turned off the TV, unplugged the phone and played together in the living room.  Laughing and joking with each other eventually turned to dancing around and acting silly, as you would expect with six, four, and one year olds.


Then things got a little crazy.  Son Number Two had a flash of inspiration and ran to his bedroom.  He had been gone a while so the Misses sent me to check on him.  Not wanting to walk the 20 feet down the hall to look into the bedroom, I called down the hallway to see if Son Number Two was alright. 

“Yes,” he shouted back.  Now “yes” with a four year old can mean many things ranging from “yes” to “no” to “maybe”, but it can also include “I’m not really OK, but I messed things up so bad I don’t want you to come in here and see what I have done”. 

Armed with this knowledge I decided to ask a follow up question, “Do you need some help [with your clothes, with your toys, getting out from under the dresser, cleaning that up, getting that chalk out of you ear, ect…]?” 

Number Two Son then announced he was fine, he was just getting ready to be the “Awesomest Minja (not a type-o) in the World!”  I didn’t want to mess with that so I retuned to the fun of the living room.  A few minutes later he re-emerged from the bedroom and I just had to document it for posterity.  If there was any doubt about what the “Awesomest Minja in the World” looked like here you go.

I wasn’t long before Number One Son got into the act.


With two Awesome Minjas in one house it wouldn’t take long for a battle to ensue.

The Misses and I were lucky to grab the Little Princess and escape with our lives.  I did promise to show these pictures at their weddings.